HOW TO REGISTERRegistration is open from Tuesday, February 18. If you want a t-shirt, you must register by March 7. The Games are open to all residents. 1. Go to the Fitness Center in the Community Center on El Toro Road. Register & pay for all the sports you want to participate in. 2. AND then sign up for the pickleball event(s) you want on the Home page. You may play in one gender (men's or men's 70+; women's or women's 70+) and one mixed doubles tournament. For the tournaments, you need a partner who must also sign up at the Fitness Center and online. No partner is required for the 2.0 Beginners Special Event. PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENTSPartner required. Tournaments start at 8am, outdoor courts.Wednesday April 16 - Women's Doubles all skill levels and 70+ Thursday April 17 - Men's Doubles all skill levels and 70+ Friday April 18 - Mixed Doubles skill levels 2.5-2.9 and 3.0-3.4 and all 70+ Saturday April 19 - Mixed Doubles skill levels 3.5-3.9 and 4.0+ BEGINNERS' SPECIAL EVENTNo partner required. Tuesday April 15 - Beginners' 2.0 special event @ 12pm, outdoor courts. For the first time, we are running a special event for beginners of skill level 2.0. You need to register for the Village Games but you sign up for this event by yourself. This is a low-key, fun event, with coaches, medals, and hotdogs. |