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A Lobster Ball-throwing Machine is available for exclusive use by Pickleball Club members who may use it according to the the following procedures:

  • Members must first be trained in use of the Lobster machine and satisfactorily demonstrate proficiency with use of it including: removing it from the cabinet, setup, setting adjustment, returning to cabinet, and connecting battery charger.
  • Training & Certification is on demand. Members should contact John Poe on 707-386-1739.  
  • Members completing training get a Lobster card with a sticker for the current year.  Each year, a member must get a new sticker from John Poe after renewing their Club membership.
  • The key to the Lobster cabinet is kept at the Golf Pro Shop where a log of checkout is maintained. To obtain the key, members must show their Lobster Card (with a valid year's sticker) and leave their LW ID card. When key is returned, member's LW ID Card will be returned.
  • The Lobster must be left in good working order. The cabinet must be locked and the key returned to the Golf Pro Shop before it closes for the day.
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