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Welcome to the LWV Pickleball Club Ladder, a perpetual ladder for members (both men and women combined) of the LWV Pickleball Club.

No partner required, opt in to play only the weeks you want to.

The Ladder week runs Wednesday to Tuesday.

To join the Ladder click here or email

Give your name as everyone knows you (Tom, Tommy, Thomas..). We'll confirm you're registered and add you to the Ladder towards the bottom of your skill level so you can start working your way up.


  1. Your name and phone number will be listed on our Ladder website. 
  2. This Ladder is for LWV Pickleball Club members. If you're not a member and are a LWV resident, you can join the club here.

How does the Ladder work? 

Opt in weekly to play

  • Sunday - we email you a reminder to opt in by 6pm on Tuesday if you want to play in the upcoming week. You may only opt in for yourself.
    • Tuesday 6pm - deadline to opt in for the upcoming week.  
    • Wednesday - we email you a link to the play schedule. Click on it to find the other 3 in your group that you need to play with this week; the email includes a link to the current ladder rankings.
    • The number of players in the ladder must be divisible each week by 4. If there is an uneven number the last few in the ladder will not play that week.
    • All emails go to all ladder registrants. If you need to opt out for an extended period, let us know and we'll suspend you.

    Play & Report Scores

    • Arrange to play with the other 3 players at a time that suits you, using Brad's Boxes if courts are busy. Play 3 games, rotating partners, each to 11 points by 1, i.e. individual player can score 33 points max.
    • One player emails back the total number of points for each player. Reply to a Ladder email or email If you forget to report, the score for every player is nil.

    Substitutes & No-Shows

    • There are no substitutes.
    • If you opt in but cannot arrange schedules, or someone drops out or no-shows, no score is recorded (as though you had not opted in).
    • A player who opts in but no-shows twice will be suspended for 4 weeks from the ladder.

    Reading the Ladder Standings

    • The Ladder standings are based on a 5-week average.
    • To avoid excessive yoyo-ing of results, a player is restricted from moving up and down the ladder more than 4 places in one week. This is designated by an R next to the percent (last column).

    Questions? Try the comprehensive FAQs! Then email Cliff Snyder at

    Club Ladder


    Frequently Asked Questions

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