This is a restricted-access community. The pickleball courts may be used exclusively by Laguna Woods Village residents and their guests. |
Welcome to the Laguna Woods Pickleball Club. With 500+ members, you're sure to find plenty of friendly people to play with on our seven outdoor courts and three indoor courts for use exclusively by Laguna Woods Village residents and their guests. The Club runs tournaments and social events, offers an introduction to pickleball, works with the Village administration to ensure the courts are in good playing shape, and constantly seeks to raise the profile of the fastest-growing and third most-played sport in the USA. |
CLUB LADDERJoin the LWV Pickleball Club ladder! It's open to all Club members and all skill levels.
| VILLAGE GAMES 2025!LAST DATE to Register is Monday, April 7. Register for the Games at the Fitness Center in the Admin Building on El Toro. Then sign up for the pickleball event(s) you want on this site. Click here for more information and the full Village Games calendar. PLAY EVENTS
| OUTDOOR COURTSThe courts are open 6:30am - 10pm daily. Pickleball has court priority: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7am-12pm Second & Fourth Saturdays: 7am-12pm PRIME TIME = Pickleball priority hours of play and 4-10pm Monday-Friday. One guest per resident; Coach Allan retains priority on the court. COURT CLEANING: Thursday 11am-12pm - all courts are closed. Paddle Tennis has court priority: Tuesday, Thursday: 8am-12pm First & Third Saturdays: 8am-12pm INDOOR COURTSSunday: 11am-1:50pm "If you text them, they will come." WHO TO CONTACT BEGINNERS Niki Thompson at LADDER Cliff Snyder at MEMBERSHIP/GENERAL QUERIES |